With this Data Protection Statement, the club VolleyFurs Switzerland describes how it collects and processes personal data.
Volley Weekend
VolleyFurs Switzerland collects all personal data submitted through the Volley Weekend registration form. The data is used for the purpose of collecting the event fee and contacting attendees for event related topics. It is deleted no more than 3 months after the event.
The data is stored via the Webling club management software from uSystems GmbH, Winterthur Switzerland. Their data protection statement applies and can be found here: https://support.webling.ch/hc/de/articles/360000779146-Datenschutzerkl%C3%A4rung
Personal data is shared with the Center Fontauna for the purpose of fulfilling their legal obligations as an accomodation facility. Their data protection statement applies and can be found here: https://www.centerfontauna.ch/datenschutz
Personal data is not shared with any third parties beyond these mention above.
Club membership
VolleyFurs Switzerland collects all personal data submitted through the club membership registration form. The data is used for the purpose of collecting club membership fees and contacting attendees for club related topics. It is deleted no more than 3 months after a member has left the club.
The data is stored via the Webling club management software from uSystems GmbH, Winterthur Switzerland. Their data protection statement applies and can be found here: https://support.webling.ch/hc/de/articles/360000779146-Datenschutzerkl%C3%A4rung
Personal data is not shared with any third parties beyond these mention above.